Omnimed and Bonjour-santé® working together to facilitate access to health care


Our interface with Bonjour‐santé® means that all clinics using (or who wish to use) the Bonjour‐santé ®'s appointments management tools are able to synchronize their patient index and appointments from Omnimed.

Why using Omnimed and Bonjour-santé®?

Bonjour‐santé® offers solutions to optimize walk-in consultation service management and facilitate access to care. Using a solution like Bonjour‐santé® allows you to add more appointment management functionalities to the ones already offered by Omnimed. It allows:

➔ better integration of the advanced access appointment process

➔ to offer greater access to availabilities thanks to phone registration and online registration

➔ appointment confirmation (automated phone calls, emails, and SMS)

➔ to offer the possibility to cancel an appointment more easily

➔ and more!

For more information on this partnership, please contact Bonjour‐santé®'s customer service at 1‐866‐943‐9480 or by email at specialistes@bonjour‐