Scanning using barcode labels

Barcode labels are used to automatically index the identification fields of scanned documents in the scanning module. The documents must then be filed in the scanning module before they can be transferred to the file.

Training video

Steps to follow


🎦 Training video on scanning with barcodes (6 min)

Steps to follow

Here are the steps to follow for barcode labels to be detected on documents to be scanned:

  1. A barcode label must be applied to the first page of each document to be scanned (these may contain several pages). If there is no barcode label on a document, you will still need to manually associate the indexing information with the document.
  2. Always keep a clear area around where a label is applied. A label is more easily detected if it is positioned horizontally. There is a range of positions up to plus or minus 30 degrees, but beyond this angle, the label is not detected.
  3. A doctor's label will be detected regardless of whether it is placed before or after the patient's label. If double-sided scanning is selected, place the doctor's label on the back of the document.
  4. Avoid placing two different patient labels on the same page. Barcode detection can associate a scanned document with only one patient record. Adding a second label would prioritize one or the other, running the risk of associating the document with the wrong patient.

Barcode labels can be generated from the Administrative Center : Print a barcode.

⚠️ If the barcode is not detected, you must manually enter the indexing information.

ℹ️ Filing scanned documents with barcodes

Once documents have been imported into the scanning module and indexed, they need to be filed for transfer to patient files. This review step is necessary to ensure that the barcode is correctly recognized and that the document is sent to the right folder with the correct identification.


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