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  2. Managing your account
  3. Connection and multifactor authentication

Security question and password reset

It is possible for you to reset your password and your security question, without having to contact our support team.

Your security question

Steps to follow:

  1. Click on your first and last name at the top right corner to access your user profile.
  2. Click on Change my security question under your name.
  3. You will be redirected back to the login page and will have to complete the entire login process with multi-factor authentication.
  4. Enter a question and answer that will not change in time. For example, choose "Year of birth of my child" instead of "Age of my child".
  5. Click on Update.
    The message Your security question has been updated successfully confirms the update.

Password reset and Reset password function

Steps to follow: 

  1. Click on Reset password on the connection page.
  2. Enter your username.
  3. Access your mailbox and open the password reset email. If you haven't received the e-mail, take a look in your spam folder.
  4. Click on the link to reset your password. 
  5. Answer your security question. 
  6. Click on Submit.
  7. Type a new password. Your new password must meet specific criteria:
    • Different from last 10 passwords
    • At least one uppercase and one lowercase
    • At least one number
    • A minimum of 12 characters
    • Does not contain your first name
    • Does not contain your last name
    • Does not contain Omnimed ID
    • Identical password in both fields

Please note that if you have locked your account following 5 unsuccessful login attempts, you need to use the Reset password option.